x, y = 7, 5
if x > y:
print('x is greater')
# Prints x is greater
# mathematical expression
x, y = 7, 5
if x + y:
# Prints True
Use else statement to execute a block of Python code, if the condition is false.
x, y = 7, 5
if x < y:
print('y is greater')
print('x is greater')
# Prints x is greater
Use elif statement to specify a new condition to test, if the first condition is false.
x, y = 5, 5
if x > y:
print('x is greater')
elif x < y:
print('y is greater')
print('x and y are equal')
# Prints x and y are equal
In nested if else statements, if statement is nested inside an if statements. So, the nested if statements will be executed only if the expression of main if statement returns TRUE.
Syntax of nested if else in Python.
if test_expression:
if test_expression:
block of code
block of code
block of code
This syntax shows an if else statement nested inside an if else statement.
num = float(input("Enter a number: "))
if num >= 0:
if num == 0:
print("Positive number")
print("Negative number")
Unlike other programming languages, Python does not have a ‘switch‘ statement. You can use if…elif…elif sequence as a substitute.
if choice == 1:
print('case 1')
elif choice == 2:
print('case 2')
elif choice == 3:
print('case 3')
elif choice == 4:
print('case 4')
print('default case')
To join two or more conditions into a single if statement, use logical operators viz. and, or and not.
and expression
is True
, if all the conditions are true. or expression
is True
, if at least one of the conditions is True. not expression
is True
, if the condition is false
# and expression is True, if all the conditions are true.
x, y, z = 7, 4, 2
if x > y and x > z:
print('x is greater')
# Prints x is greater
# or expression is True, if at least one of the conditions is True.
x, y, z = 7, 4, 9
if x > y or x > z:
print('x is greater than y or z')
# Prints x is greater than y or z
# not expression is True, if the condition is false
x, y = 7, 5
if not x < y:
print('x is greater')
# Prints x is greater
Conditional expression (sometimes referred to as ‘ternary operator') allows us to select one of two statements depending on the specified condition.
The syntax of the conditional expression is
x, y = 7, 5
print('x is greater') if x > y else print('y is greater')
# Prints x is greater
You can also use it to select variable assignment.
x, y = 7, 5
max = x if x > y else y
# Prints 7
The in operator is used to check if a value is present in a sequence (list, tuple, string etc.).
# list
L = ['red', 'green', 'blue']
if 'red' in L:
# Prints yes
# tuple
T = ('red', 'green', 'blue')
if 'red' in T:
# Prints yes
# string
S = 'Hello, World!'
if 'Hello' in S:
# Prints yes